My take on: Donald Trump's state visit to the UK

Brace yourselves: Mr. Donald John Trump is in town.

Now, I understand why everyone is complaining and protesting and generally throwing hatred in his direction, but I'm here to put things into a little context:

Actions speak louder than words

We all know that Trump is a racist, sexist, homophobic bigot, because he is consistently vocal about his intolerances towards, well, everyone - but he isn't the worst that America's had...

Many critics think that former president, Barack Obama, is the worst American president in history: however, did anyone ever campaign against him?

The Facts:

  • America dropped 26,171 bombs in 2016, during the end of Obama's reign - almost as many as Trump (However, the portion of bombs dropped on Afghanistan has surged dramatically since Trump came to power - see below)
  • While Obama came to office pledging to end George W Bush's wars, he left office having been at war longer than any president in US history
  • Obama also cut funding to fight AIDS (acquired immune deficiency syndrome)
But we ignore this - know why? Because he's black, and he never vocally showed hatred. He often spoke about peace, and acted in favour of the LGBT community, yet, behind the scenes, it was a different story entirely: he was, by some miracle, as bad as Trump.

We must not only listen to what people say, but pay attention to what they do, as someone's actions are truly representative of their character, no matter how 'peaceful' they claim to be.

I'm not saying that Trump is good here - he's definitely not. Just be sure to delve deeper into the actions of past presidents, instead to being so quick to judge.

We've had worse...

The British public did not protest against the state visits of other, even more controversial state visitors;

For example, Robert Mugabe from Zimbabwe, who visited the UK in 1994. His visit had been arranged to improve relations - however, his honorary knighthood was revoked in 2008 after news of him killing his opponents; he had slaughtered thousands in the 1980's as part of crackdown on rebel groups.

My point is that Trump is not as evil as some other prominent leaders - yes, his views are extremely discriminative, but thankfully he hasn't nuked North Korea (yet)...

We, as a nation, need to be more aware of the people who are visiting the UK, and for whom OUR hard-earned money is being wasted: do we really want these disgraceful 'leaders' in our country?


I want to make it clear that I am in no way supporting Trump - he is a bumbling idiot who doesn't know what he's doing, and frankly America is in a bad position right now.

But, that's just my opinion, and who cares about that? What do YOU think about Donald Trump? Should he have been granted an official visit to the UK, or was it a waste of time and money?

- R


  1. Who, in your opinion has been a particularly good US president?

    1. Honestly, I feel like they're all terrible! Some have more downsides than others - until recently, I thought Obama was by far the best (or least worst), but I'm not so sure anymore.


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